As a senior fellow at Columbia University School of the Arts, Frank heads two distinct initiatives. He is faculty director of the Strategic Storytelling seminar, presented by the School of the Arts’ Digital Storytelling Lab, and he is the DSL’s awards director, having launched the Breakthroughs in Storytelling awards in 2016. He also leads private seminars and workshops for corporate and institutional clients and consults on brand identity issues.
Strategic Storytelling at Columbia
Storytelling is how we explain and make sense of the world. But today, with media-savvy audiences tuning out ads while seeking ever-more-immersive entertainment experiences, the way we need to communicate is changing. Cognitive science suggests that stories are typically more effective at reaching people than rational arguments. We need to view the world in narrative terms, not as a thesis to be argued or a pitch to be made but as a story to be told. Strategic Storytelling is an executive education seminar that shows how stories are used by leading brands, entertainment industry professionals, B2B providers and nonprofits—and what each of these can learn from the other.
Strategic Storytelling is currently on hiatus and will resume in 2024. For more information, please contact Frank.
Academic Symposia and Master Classes
In addition to his Columbia seminar, Frank leads master classes and workshops and takes part in conferences at academic institutions worldwide.
Private Workshops and Consulting
Frank leads private workshops tailored to the needs of select corporate and institutional clients. He also consults with agencies and their clients on brand identity issues: brand purpose, brand promise, brand narrative and brand voice. To see how this might work for you, please contact Frank.
Columbia Digital Storytelling Lab
The Digital Storytelling Lab at Columbia University School of the Arts is a next-generation media lab harnessing the arts, humanities and emergent technologies to tackle some of the world’s impossible problems through collaboration, experimentation, exploration and creativity.
Columbia DSL designs stories for the 21st century, building on a diverse range of creative and research practices while never losing sight of the power of a good story. It is a place of speculation, creativity, and collaboration between students and faculty from across the University. New stories are told here in fresh and unexpected ways. Learn More…
The Breakthroughs in Storytelling Awards
The DSL’s annual Breakthroughs in Storytelling Awards celebrate the past year’s most innovative approaches to narrative. Launched in 2016 to spur creativity and further the Lab’s educational mission, the awards honor 12 signal achievements—the “Digital Dozen.” Out of these, the Breakthrough Award goes to the project in any field that best exemplifies the spirit of inventiveness at work today, while the Special Jury Prize is given at the discretion of the awards committee. Winners are chosen by an interdisciplinary jury of Lab members and university faculty. The awards aim to further digital media’s potential to break free of rigid, industrial-age classifications and evolve in ways that analog media could not.